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The Raised Fist in Our District?

The raised fist.JPG

According to Wikipedia,

"The raised fist, or the clenched fist, is a long standing image of mixed meaning, often a symbol of political solidarity. It is also a common symbol of communism, and can also be used as a salute to express unity, strength, or resistance."

Raised fist quote.JPG

Teaching For Social Change Justice Booklist For Families

The below book was recommended in the Rocket Family Summer Reading Camp Materials, learn more about the books recommended by the district here


Click on the book for more information.

Rise up.JPG

Raised Fist in Virtual Couseling Offices?

The counselor's at Normandy (kindergarten - 2nd grade) and Westerly (3rd and 4th grade) have "virtual counseling offices." 

Both are have the "Raised Fist" displayed in their "Virtual Counseling Office." 

Click on the pictures to take you to their source.

Normandy Counselor Office.JPG
7 Mindsets - councilor corner.JPG

Raised fist and Anti-police?

Below is the tweet of BVSD student who was chosen to be a member of "Strategic Plan Steering Committee" and the "Strategic Plan Writing Team."  Note, the raised fist on the upper corner of the tweet.





Below is an email excerpt from a concerned citizen re the tweet pictured in prior slide (email dated June 9, 2021):

"After everything that has happened at the High School with a suspected shooter, I am shocked that you would support and give admiration to a young woman who thinks this of our police community, especially knowing how selfless our police were during that terrifying time.  As we move forward as a community and continue to have meetings regarding your plan for equity, I would strongly suggest you know who is on your side and who is representing your cause."

District Response to Anti-Police TWEET

district response emma tweet redacted.JPG
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